Safe road zones around schools

Image source: Visviva


Between 1992 and 2014, the number of children in South Korea killed in car accidents fell dramatically from 1,566 to 53. This positive reduction is considered to be the result of changes in policy and the implementation of local projects focused on child road safety. ‘School Zones’ are spaces within 300 metres of a school’s main entrance, which abide by certain rules to increase road safety for children. Along with changing policies and local safety projects, areas around schools have adopted specific regulations, resulting in an increase in child road safety. As of 2012, the number of school zones in Korea exceeded 9,000, normalizing slower vehicles and driver caution in the vicinity of schools, reducing risks to children, and reinforcing a culture of road safety awareness.

South Korea

Korean Government

Partner organisations:
Safe Kids Korea, Korea Green Mothers Society

Students, Caregivers

Scale of proximity:

Built environment component:
Planning Policy, Public space, Street

Design insights

Streets within the zone abide by additional more strict traffic rules (ref. speed limit of 30 km/h). Drivers can have their license suspended if caught to be breaking it – a more severe punishment than on other streets.

Child-friendly street pavement reduce probabilities of car related accidents and reduces speed and braking distance.

Painted school walls and traffic signage alert drivers entering the special zone.

Special zones consider a radius (ref. 300m) from a school’s main entrance.

The Korea Green Mothers Society organises safe ‘guiding activities’ to walk children to and from school, whilst Safe Kids Korea work to inform families how to keep their children safe, advocate for child safety-increasing laws, and work to install environmental elements that increase road safety.

Implementation insights

The cause of protecting children’s lives has a strong appeal with politicians and local authorities. This means that financial support and fund-raising activities are easier to implement, compared to other transport issues or challenges.


Intervention Type
Scales of proximity
Design guide phases

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